Anonymous ID: 9d088a Sept. 4, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.2877096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7335 >>7349 >>7381 >>7425



Dude, so get this. You made me remember one of the many crazy dreams I've been having since I started on the Q train.


There were kids hiding from men in vans in a warehouse. On top of the vans were bread, I was one of the kids and ate a piece and was glad it wasn't poisoned. We slid down the rafts of bridges to get away from the people and that's when I woke up.


Anyways, two of the tarot cards were the four of swords and knight of cups. But even though that's what my mind's eye picked up the four of swords "felt" like the seven of swords.


If I were to interpret the cards in my dream…ugh, I thought I would never have to do this again.


Anyways, the four of swords represents someone in a quiet meditative zone. They are resting, but still thinking and reflecting. Recovery.


Seven of swords is the vibe I got when looking at the card, which tells me someone appears to be resting on the surface but secretly in strategist mode. They have to do so carefully, if you notice all the swords they are holding…if they do not move carefully they will fall and they will be found out.


Since the 7 of swords depicts a man at a rival battle ground…this makes a lot of sense.


The knight of cups, that's more tricky to understand when thinking about my dream.

But this is someone who is very intuitive, he appeals to people through charm and plays on their emotions.


I don't know, maybe I'm just waaaay too into my dream interpretation.


However, I had a dream the following day of crocodile people attacking others at the mall and I had to hide while others fought them off.


Anyways, maybe you guys can piece together the description of the person I am describing through my interp. I don't think I"m the only one having weird dreams, and I wouldn't be surprised if the DS wants to play off dreams as if they're not important.

Anonymous ID: 9d088a Sept. 4, 2018, 2:18 p.m. No.2877234   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I often used to get the Star, lol. I wish divination wasn't a sin, I quite enjoyed being able to help people through the esoteric but now I am weary because it's tied to some pretty dark things and it kind of hurts my soul. Everyone referred to me as the tarot girl.



Since we're talking Tarot, let's parallel the Fools Journey to Q's status. That leads me to assume we are actually on card #18 (moon) - #19 (sun)


Dark to Light, and after that comes the Judgement card and finishes with the world. Which is completion of the cycle.

Anonymous ID: 9d088a Sept. 4, 2018, 2:36 p.m. No.2877483   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Draco Reptilians?


No, I wouldn't say that. The idea of reptilians is absurd to me. I quite believe the idea of the "dragon" which was Lucifer and cite the book of Enoch. And as far as we know these people have been hiding fallen angels from us, blah, blah.


The crocodiles to me, meant the swamp. I had this dream the day before POTUS said be prepared for disaster, which really had me spooked begooked.


The Fool or the Magician huh?


Only one or the other?


I think not, I choose neither. I accept the whole journey, and at one point we are every card in that deck.


I much enjoy learning from each stage life has granted me, the ability to grow and change, learn from my lessons. The magician was once the fool, if it weren't for the fool's desire to take risks, he wouldn't have discovered the other part of who he was.


I'll just choose to be the whole deck, and expand my mind.


However, there are ever really two choices in life despite whatever journey you take, and that is good and evil.


And I already made the choice to do Good and humble myself.

Anonymous ID: 9d088a Sept. 4, 2018, 2:49 p.m. No.2877643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7661



I definitely can.Also, I am new to the Chans but I will be sure to answer any questions I can about this in the future.


This site is great on detail as far as what the cards mean specifically. It might not go into detail about the symbology, but if you search the card names individually it should show more results that you'd be looking for.


As for the rest of the deck, that's a lot to learn. It took me a year of winging my research to understand how to read the combinations, there are 78 cards to a whole deck.


Here's the link for the minor arcana:


Minors are broken up into four suits, like regular cards. (You can read with regular playing decks.)


Swords - Communication, Thought, Intellect

Cups - Emotions, Intuition, Creativity, Female Sexuality

Wands - Action, Passion,Ego, Male Sexuality

Pentacles - Foundation, Finances, Materialism, and grounding.

Anonymous ID: 9d088a Sept. 4, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.2877673   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've been a lucid dreamer since I was a child, I usually remember a lot of my dreams, but right now I remember all of them with detail. I've been writing them down.


I've had dreams about chatting on reddit KEK, maybe i'm on there too much.


Write them down, I am going to request mods make a board for dreamfags like us.


Maybe we can help in the spiritual battle, since this is more than just a battle of the DS.

Anonymous ID: 9d088a Sept. 4, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.2877718   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'll give you an example.


Say you're reading a spread and using all of the cards.


If Trump Cards show up in a reading, they hold more importance over the other cards shown. The energy of the Trump cards, are something considered to be fixed. Meaning, you can potentially change the outcome of your cards if they are from the minors, you can't if they are Trumps.


They also represent the fool's journey…


Anonymous ID: 9d088a Sept. 4, 2018, 3 p.m. No.2877772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7796



Oh yeah, and the numbers on the card are important.


It ties in really well with the use of Gematria and what spiritualanons would call numerology.


If you have two cards of the same suit, for example 4 of swords and 3 of swords, those two would equal the 7 of swords. 4+3=7


You can do this with all the cards, you would just simplify the number you got when you added them together. Since all of the cards are connected.


I've had times where I would get 4 of the same number in a reading, which is rare.


I like to pay attention to repeating numbers and numbers that start and end the same.


I think also we should look into angel numbers, but that's probably not relevant to Q research. :/