>For about a year before this, the ONLY dream I had (And I do not have recurring dreams, ever) was of being in a classroom, with a big wipe board, and a teacher or two, and a bunch of people I shared bonds with, but didn't know.
When I started posting here, I broke all the rules. Some deliberately, some not. Arrogance and Ego… my biggest tests. At one point I was guided off here temporarily after the DDOS attacks and when Q's Key was found. It's a paradox now. Certain things have developed since then, exactly how they should have.
>And I could never put my finger on what we were discussing. But we weren't quite getting it. Been here since day 1, and I swear it was US.
I'm not entirely convinced about Corey Goode just yet. Despite passing certain tests. However… in one CLE2 Expo at the very beginning the man introducing Corey mentioned comic books. That it would all come out in comic books. It was never mentioned again as far as I know.
Aside from that, coincidences.
DJT knows something about Time travel.
What if PLG / Op Mockingbird found it's way into Comic Books?
He's mentioned that he's Batman.
Ref 2016
He knew "something" was going to happen.
Elon Musk elucidates he's the real life Iron Man.
Whether you choose to like it, or choose not to, he really is.
Though he's no Superhero…
Serious question Anon,
Are you a Superhero?
Not every Superhero is super wealthy or super famous.
>Now I have dreams about being on here and working with other groups, every single night.
I do not choose to constantly advertise the other board I post on.
At times I have cross linked to this board, mainly to outline shill tactics.
It's a slow moving board but it does contain many coincidences not yet revealed on here.
It's been under heavy shill attacks from day one.
It's actually quite unbelievable.
Some masterful plans, yet all have failed.
Why though? For a board with only a half dozen posters.
>Those who are attacked the most are the BIGGEST threat. - Q
If you do want to read about "The Faces of EGO and HUBRIS"
We work in symbiosis, just on a much smaller scale.
>Been a ride on many levels Anons. Thank You for ALL of this.
You're all Superheroes.
You REALLY are.
You just don't know it yet…
>The more unrealistic it all becomes.
>You are watching a movie.
>Trust yourself.
>GOOD wins.