Anonymous ID: 5d12e0 Sept. 4, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.2877885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8301 >>8447 >>8538

Trump to chair UN Security Council meeting on Iran – Haley


The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, has announced that President Donald Trump is set to host a Security Council meeting to discuss Iran when he attends the General Assembly in New York later this month.


The US has only just assumed the rotating presidency over the UN Security Council, held by each of the members in turn for a month, and seems to be eager to make the most of it. Trump, who will attend the customary gathering of the world leaders at the UN General Assembly, “intends to chair a meeting at the Security Council and the topic will be on Iran,” Haley told reporters on Tuesday.

The US envoy to the UN then yet again squarely accused Tehran of violating international law and sowing “instability” throughout the Middle East.


“It’s hard to find a place that has conflict where Iran isn’t in the middle of it, and we think that’s a problem, and we think that they’ve been ignored and given a pass for it for too long,” Haley stated. “There’s nothing we would love more than to have Iran come into the mainstream international community and be a valid country that wants to do good in the world. We’re not seeing that.”


Iran has been one of the centerpieces of the Trump administration’s foreign policy agenda, with numerous accusations repeatedly raised against the country. Top US officials have claimed that Tehran has been meddling in the wars of Syria and Yemen, causing more turmoil in the region.


In reality, however, Iran has been officially invited to Syria by the country’s government, while the US illegally occupies parts of the country. Allegations of Iran supplying Houthi rebels with weapons in Yemen are still largely unproven. The Houthis' opponent – the Saudi-led coalition, which has waged a years-long bombing campaign against Yemen – receives full political and military support from Washington.


Hostile rhetoric between Iran and the US has been soaring since Washington unilaterally withdrew from the landmark 2015 nuclear deal back in May. President Trump has harshly criticized the deal, and is now re-imposing sanctions on Tehran. The toughest package, targeting the Iranian oil sector, is set to take effect in November. The US has also threatened secondary sanctions on any country which dares to purchase Iranian crude, vowing to drive Tehran's oil revenue down to zero.

Anonymous ID: 5d12e0 Sept. 4, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.2877937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8009 >>8266

President Donald J. Trump Signs S. 717 into Law

Law & Justice

Issued on: September 4, 2018


On Tuesday, September 4, 2018, the President signed into law:


S. 717, the “Pro bono Work to Empower and Represent Act of 2018 or the POWER Act,” which requires the chief judge for each judicial district to host, at least annually, a public event to promote pro bono legal services to empower survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Anonymous ID: 5d12e0 Sept. 4, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.2878181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8212 >>8218 >>8395 >>8426 >>8447 >>8538

Mueller Will Accept Written Answers From Trump On Russian Collusion


Special counsel Robert Mueller will accept written answers from President Trump on questions about whether his campaign conspired with Russia’s election interference, Mueller’s office told Trump’s lawyers in a letter, the NYT reports.


But on another significant aspect of the investigation, whether the president tried to obstruct the inquiry itself, Mueller and his investigators understood that issues of executive privilege could complicate their pursuit of a presidential interview and did not ask for written responses on that matter, according to the letter, which was sent on Friday.

While Mueller did not say if he was giving up on an interview altogether, including on questions of obstruction of justice, but the tone of the letter and the fact that the special counsel did not ask for written responses on obstruction has prompted some Trump allies to conclude that if an interview takes place, its scope will be more limited than Mr. Trump’s legal team initially believed, the NYT reported.


The letter was the latest in lengthy negotiations that the two sides have engaged in about whether Mr. Trump will be formally interviewed in the investigation. “We continue to maintain an ongoing dialogue with the office of the special counsel,” Mr. Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow said, adding that it was the legal team’s policy to not discuss its communications with the special counsel’s office.


As reported previously, Trump’s lawyers have been eager to avoid a formal interview, saying repeatedly that to determine whether the Trump campaign conspired with Russia’s election interference and whether Mr. Trump tried to obstruct the inquiry, Mueller can find the answers in the interviews that his investigators have conducted with witnesses, including senior White House aides and administration officials, and more than 1.4 million documents turned over by the White House.


They did, however, offer written answers as a possibility, and the Mueller team appears receptive to it as an interim measure.

Anonymous ID: 5d12e0 Sept. 4, 2018, 4 p.m. No.2878519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8553 >>8597

Anonymous sources say:


FBI Director Christopher Wray becomes the latest target of Trump's ire

Wray is the latest in a growing list of Justice Department officials who have angered the president, NBC News has learned.

by Carol E. Lee, Nicolle Wallace and Kristen Welker / Sep.04.2018 / 1:00 PM ET


WASHINGTON — In recent conversations with confidants, President Donald Trump has added FBI Director Christopher Wray to his list of key members of his administration whom he complains about, three people familiar with the discussions tell NBC News.


Trump has criticized Wray as another figure in the Justice Department who is not protecting his interests — and is possibly out to undermine his presidency, these people said.


Trump is "in the worst mood of his presidency and calling friends and allies to vent about his selection of (Attorney General Jeff) Sessions and Wray," said one person familiar with the president’s thinking. This person said the president was particularly focused on both men over the Labor Day weekend.


Trump has frequently tweeted about the Russia probe and more than once has criticized the Justice Department, the FBI and Sessions by name. But until now, the president has been cautious about publicly criticizing the person he appointed after firing former FBI Director James Comey.

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