I have a theory that Q appeals to those of us who have, over the past years or decades, realized we are being lied to. I remember in the 1980's when President Reagan bombed Muammar Gaddafi's compound in an effort to kill him for the 1986 bombing of the West Berlin discotheque, and that sniveling dogturd Dan Rather was all aflutter on national TV news telling us that France had refused access to their airspace in carrying out the mission. Turned out the reason France denied it was because the proposed attack was not strong enough for their liking (back when Europe was still run by western men). Point is, I've known for 30+ years that the media were scumbags and deep state shills. Only since the election of GEOTUS have I had hope - and now it is so juicy watching these DS scum squirm and run for cover. Enjoy the show is right. Pray for GEOTUS, Q TEAM, Patriots and white hats everywhere. God is good. And don't worry about McStain - it will come out soon enough what a traitor he was. And Hillary will hang. I think GEOTUS can sign an EO to change the form of execution, and he will especially for her. Rejoice Patriots - Meme, Dig and Pray.