>Reagan said they will infiltrate through the left
Foolish. The right is just as comped. Those that ignore this fact are just asking to be manipulated and duped. Way too many partisanfags around here who ignore this truth.
Wrong again. Get it through your thick skull. It's not "just RINOs" The fucking PARTY ITSELF IS COMPED! BOTH OF THEM! BOTH EQUALLY! WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Those dems who refuse to look into their own party for corruption are part of the problem. Those Rs who refuse to look internally into their own party for corruption are also part of the problem.
People who claim shit like "it's only RINOs or DINO's" are just fools who are too afraid to admit they have bought into their parties lies, and are not truthseekers.
George Washington warned us about political parties.
Real anons don't filter.
Touche. The real point is someone who gets so angry they filter me based on calling them out because they dont want to admit how comped their party is by offloading blame via claims of "muh RINOS" isn't someone interested in truth.
Personally, I think webboards are too easy for the plebs to use, and us oldschoolers should find our way back to irc/usenet/bbs's.
It's a website imageboard, hence it's a webboard, of which an imageboard is a subset.
Thank you! Someone gets it and has been paying attention. I call the control advocates authoritarians.