If there's a challenge to Roe v Wade (I hope there will be), Kavanaugh will need to examine the evidence that is presented in THAT case to make his judgment. There is a LOT of new evidence that was not presented in Roe v Wade, for instance (feel free to add on to this list):
• the fact that they lied about how many women died from illegal abortions each year
• the fact that babies under a pound can be saved and go on to live normal lives
• 4D ultrasounds have shown us that babies can feel pain and experience numerous emotions
• we now know that Haeckel's embryo drawings were a fraud (sadly that's been known for over a century, but that's another topic)
• the fact that abortion clinics have been selling baby body parts
• the fact that abortion clinics use high pressure sales techniques to pressure girls into having abortions
• the fact that abortion clinics don't report sexual abuse and rape, even though they're a mandatory reporter
• the fact that they kill FAR more black babies per capita than any other race/ethnicity
• the fact that preborn babies are fully human
All of these fact and many, many more would be presented in any future case. Scientific knowledge about babies has grown immensely and if it were tried before the Supreme Court, all of this would have to be reported on, which would go a long way to changing peoples' minds on the subject.