Anonymous ID: 08877f Sept. 4, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.2880072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Any anons experience this? If so be vigilant


Bill Smith’s video dated 2/13/2018 at the end at around minute mark 12:05 he says he’s gotta tell everyone something kinda personal but not a big deal.. “since I’ve been making these videos.. about a month ago, I’ve had to rebuild my computer 3 times.. really odd things are happening on my computer, I feel like I’m being watched a lot.. I’m not worried at all for my own personal safety, ya know, I’m just making stupid YT videos here but, um if I am down for a few days please don’t worry or get uh, don’t worry about me is what I’m trying to say. I’m not your problem. K, you don’t need to worry about me, but push this stuff out ok.. Rush Limbaugh just mentioned QAnon during like a 1 minute segment on his radio show, and I’m not really and big fan of Rush but that means this stuff is about to go mainstream.. so you’re on the cusp of something great.. I’ve said it before, ya knew about their stuff before anybody else did and it’s important that you stay centered and you make this work for yourself so say your prayers, thank God for your existence and stay sharp patriots. Till next time, this is Bill Smith, thanks for watching.”