Anonymous ID: 5c3fea Sept. 4, 2018, 6:15 p.m. No.2880225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0260


We research facts here, not go on what feedback we will get, kek

They must be talking about clowns, kek

Since they are the ones that post that crap here.

( i think this story is to help discredit the chans, and us here) they have clowns post crap, then report on said crap, and say we are all like that, kek


Why flat Earthers and Holocaust-deniers won't change their mind: Researchers say some people's brains are wired to value feedback over facts

Study suggests false beliefs are bolstered by feedback in response to opinions

Researchers found that positive and negative reactions were valued over facts

They say this could help explain why false beliefs propagate across social media


Some people swear vehemently by their beliefs despite overwhelming evidence contradicting their standpoint.


It’s a phenomenon that’s given rise to movements such as the ‘flat Earthers’ and climate change deniers, among many others in recent times.


While it might seem baffling, new research suggests it may have something to do with how we value feedback compared to hard evidence.


In a new study, researchers found that the positive and negative reactions that spring up in response to people’s opinions tend to hold more weight than logic or scientific data.

This feedback, which can play out in personal exchanges or across social media, can bolster a person’s certainty in their own beliefs.


‘If you think you know a lot about something, even though you don’t, you’re less likely to be curious enough to explore the topic further, and will fail to learn how little you know,’ said study lead author Louis Marti, a PhD student in psychology at UC Berkeley.


In the study, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley recruited more than 500 adults for an online task on Amason’s Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing platform.


The experiment called on participants to look at different combinations of shapes and identify which qualified as a made-up object called a ‘Daxxy.’


Participants were given no information about the characteristics of this shape, but received feedback on whether their guesses were right or wrong as they played.

Anonymous ID: 5c3fea Sept. 4, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.2880261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0300 >>0672 >>0733

High speed solar winds smashing into satellites could cause hundreds of them to overload and blow up in a devastating blackout, scientists warn

Researchers were investigating the space weather risks to orbiting satellites

Found solar winds were more dangerous than geomagnetic storms

Could cause components on satellites to charge to dangerously high levels

High speeds solar winds smashing into satellites could cause their delicate electronics to overload, destroying hundreds at a time, researchers have warned.


A major new study into the 'worst case scenario' of a major solar storm found the phenomenon could be far more damaging that geomagnetic storms.


The study, which analysed years of satellite data, found that electron radiation levels at geostationary orbit could remain exceptionally high for 5 days or more, even after the solar wind speed had died down.

As a result, electronic components on satellites could charge up to dangerously high levels and become damaged.


'Until now we thought that the biggest risk to orbiting satellites was geomagnetic storms,' said Professor Richard Horne of the British Antarctic Survey, lead author of the study.


'Our study constructed a realistic worst-case event by looking at space weather events caused by high-speed solar wind flowing away from the Sun and striking the Earth.


'We were surprised to discover just how high electron radiation levels can go.'


The new UK-US study published this week in the Journal Space Weather, investigated the space weather risks to orbiting satellites calculated electron radiation levels within the Van Allen radiation belts.


This ring-doughnut-shaped zone wraps around the Earth, trapping charged particles, and the geostationary orbit of satellites lies within it.

Anonymous ID: 5c3fea Sept. 4, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.2880327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0443 >>0575 >>0787 >>0880




Facebook is building a physical 'war room' at its headquarters to try and stop meddling in the midterm elections

Facebook is building a war room at its headquarters to spot election meddling

Employees across the company will collaborate in the war room, which will likely include a number of screens with live data tracking any unusual activity

It comes as Facebook and other tech firms have faced heightened scrutiny to safeguard their platforms from information campaigns by bad actors

Facebook is doubling down on its efforts to fight election meddling ahead of the 2018 midterms.


The social media giant is in the process of building a physical 'war room' at its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, Samidh Chakrabarti, Facebook's head of civic engagement, told NBC News.


There, employees from all across the company will work together to spot and stamp out any attempts to interfere with the US midterm elections.

We've been building this war room, a physical war room [with] people across the company, of all different disciplines, who are there,' Chakrabarti said.


'So, as we discover problems that may come up in the hours leading up to the election, we can take quick and decisive action.'


The room is expected to include a number of screens that keep track of certain Facebook metrics, watching for any unusual activity.

Alarms may sound off if there are any noticeable spikes or drop-offs in activity.


Employees will be sourced from all over Facebook, including engineering, data science and public policy, among other areas.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has called upon other executives in the company to take up a more robust effort to quickly detect meddling from Facebook and Instagram users in elections.

Chakrabarti said the company is already 'much more effective than [it] used to be' and that the entire firm is 'laser focused' on deploying the right strategies to prevent meddling.

'We've been at this for a while,' he told NBC News. '…We've been mobilizing a huge cross-company effort.

'Really every single corner of this company has mobilized to making sure that we're laser-focused and that we get it right.'

Chakrabarti said Facebook is focusing on four areas: Combating foreign interference, blocking and removing fake accounts from the site, decelerating the spread of misinformation and fake news, as well as increasing the level of transparency around political ads being shared on the platform.

He said efforts have been ramping up over the past several months and that the company has already seen some success in getting ahead of false information and fake accounts.

In a six month period, Facebook 'detected, blocked and removed' over a billion fake accounts before they could spread false information, Chakrabarti added.

Facebook has also followed through on its promise to double the size of its safety and security team from 10,000 people last year to 20,000 now.

However, Chakrabarti conceded that it has become more and more challenging to spot bad actors on the platform.

'The bad actors out there have gotten more sophisticated,' he said. 'They're better at hiding their location'

Others believe Facebook faces numerous hurdles in its efforts to stamp out bad actors and false information.