For people who have studied this and understand the context - they can see it and understand that the photo itself is the sauce.
But most people don't have the background nor the facial recognition skills to have the courage to believe it's notable
Even when "Notable" is just a suggestion/ reflexion and is not "set in stone" they don't want it there.
I think the reticence is they want to be able to show the Notables to their friends and family and not be made fun of.
The issue of the simulations - the what people call "false flags"/ the fake shootings, the crisis actors is an issue which was fought and beat down very hard in the Propaganda wars of the past.
We have our own more specific wars not with "Trump derangement" virus.
I feel it's a great achievement to even be able to write about this Greenberg issue and share research that will be archived and that many people in the world can see.
[sorry for the typos having trouble with my keyboard all day]
If the Anons don't "get it" and want to put it in Notables - then it's not ready for prime time.
Right now we are focusing on other issues?
I never care about Notables. I care that the Q team on the inside is reading it. And they know the truth.