Anonymous ID: 12875e Sept. 4, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.2880998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1064 >>1083 >>1099 >>1138 >>1242 >>1265 >>1333 >>1423 >>1571 >>1589


Obama's Secret Pardons caused the need for Secret Military Tribunals. Read them carefully back to back. Everything is sauced with legal basis and Q posts. Theories are clearly labeled where needed. Perfect for normies to be awakened.


I updated these graphics from 2 weeks ago. Recent events seem to confirm these theories including McCain's weird funeral and Jack Dorsey's public lying today.


The reason my local copy of this website interface will NOT be made available to the public is two fold…


  1. It makes it much more difficult for pay-triots to lift content since it is saved as an image.


  1. It makes it much more difficult to shadowban because anyone can take the image and resave it under a new name.


Next up, "Unrigging the Election."

Anonymous ID: 12875e Sept. 4, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.2881199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1270 >>1315 >>1420


This graphic outlines a series of 8 storyboards that will be released in the next four weeks on this board. Website interface will NOT be made public. Helps prevent pay-triots from lifting content. Only graphic screenshots will be released.


#2 Unrigging The Election - coming soon

#3 Obama's Secret Pardons - already released

#4 Secret Military Tribunals - already released


8ch Anons will vet. Then Reddit normies can retweet and distribute to Twitter normies which will lead to YouTube normies. All with trending hashtags that are same as the image name. (ie #ObamasTreason)

Anonymous ID: 12875e Sept. 4, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.2881339   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is important that the notables are named like the image names. If graphic is titled "Obama's Secret Pardons" and notable is titled "Hussein's Secret Pardons", (etc…) then it splits the potential SEO value and # Twitter Trending value when this rises into the realm of normies on Reddit, Twitter, YouTube. Naming conventions that hold true through each of these lifting phases will allow for viral spreading. Watch the process.


8ch Reddit (GA) > Twitter > YouTube > Blogs, etc…