Anonymous ID: 695b6b Sept. 4, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.2881346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Regarding Q Patriotsfight 183


If there are no conincidences, then the 23rd Q post with the term Godfather is not by accident. I count 22 posts by Q with Godfather III, plus 1 post with the Robert Spencer tweet calling No Name The Godfather of ISIS.


The plot of Godfather III is of Michael Corleone attempting to separate his gangster past with a respectable legacy. His businesses are now all legit, and he is attempting to broker a deal with the Vatican through his foundation. Unfortunately, greed from members of his organization threaten to ruin his plans.


No Name, Alice, and Hussein have foundations. All three are concerned with their legacies, and are attempting to turn their modest beginnings into a nobel future for their offspring. Alive’s greed and brazen criminal behavior has certainly tarnished Hussein’s “scandal-free” legacy. Is this last Q post confirmation that No Name is The Godfather?


So far, I’m finding Clinton Foundation connections with the Vatican leading to child trafficking. It remains to be seen what Vatican connections can be confirmed between the McCain Foundation and the Holy See. If this has already been discussed mea culpa.


The older drops are the most intriguing. THe future is truly proving past.