Anonymous ID: 90129a Sept. 4, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.2881320   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2880435 (pb)

Whatever, I didn't relate to the competition around "Notables"

I may not understand chan culture.

It's enough to be able to write it out and have it saved. I've been censored enough that I'm not looking for "Notable" fame.

It's a form of famefagging truly to compete over that. If people want to put it on Notables, Good, It's always nice. But I'm not aiming for that. I don't bow to the format.

The writer implied "everybody" did that. Which is wrong.

I feel much of the demand for "source" "everyone will accept" is absurd. I mean, they'll accept NYTimes or a million fake alt sites as a source, but not their own eyes? Yes, the little girl looks like the bugged -eyed freak who ran for office, who was patronized by Soros. Where did she come from? How did she get there? Have you been studying this shit for 10 years? Whatever. I'm over trying to convince people.

Part of the problem is a large number of sources are fake, known liars.

Everybody has their strengths and I honor the Bakers for their hard work.

>>2880690 (pb)

>>2880728 (pb)

That's a scene from the story of Andronicus - which is a play by the most famous poet/ playwright in the English language.. I wasn't trying to be a gorefag.

The cross I showed, an even-cross - was used in the ancient world; it's not the same as the cross Christians are used to now.

It may connect to Clinton and her daughter since Andronicus was a psycho killer. And that even-cross is associated with him.

Just a speculation. None of us know the details of their cult. But "Q" does, as we believe.