Anonymous ID: bcf383 Sept. 4, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.2881279   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2879077 pb

Years ago on a Ted talk/youtube dive I came across this Nicole Daidone talking about OM meditation (founder of One Taste). Her story sounded incredulous, but I enjoy a good fingering so I dug on….short story it sounded like a CULT.


Lots of talking and saying nothing. Expensive weekend/longer retreats to get fingered (of course the men pay to go finger the women). They have local chapters in every major city on meetup…smells culty.


Cult leader redefines the term orgasm and makes it ambiguous and confusing. This was her good talk. I delved deeper and found her talking for long time without making sense.


I doubt it's as bad as NXIVM, but it is certainly a scam of some sort


Here's the video that started it all….She who speaks a lot and says nothing.


Preying on women who can't cum or don't understand their own bodies.




Joan Hodges

Joan Hodges

1 year ago

Nicole Daedone is a cult leader of OneTaste. What she speaks about is only a manipulation tactic to get people involved with the organization. I spent 10 months with OneTaste and left upon becoming suicidal. She has created an army of manipulative sexual abusers. So, as for this TED Talk, don't take it at face value. Do your research, people. She isn't who she appears to be.




10 months ago

It's so sad that they take the longing for connection and being vulnerable and turn it into a cult that they make big profit of :( It's vicious actually… Just look up the buzzfeed-video "I was in a cult" they get people into thousands and thousands debt

Anonymous ID: bcf383 Sept. 4, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.2881387   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I sorta feel bad for these girls, but at the same time they knew what the fuck they were getting into and they took the risk. They sold their bodies and souls to the cabal fuckers.


You take a "3 hour tour" (movie ref) with these rich creepy dudes….you have to question their motives….esp in international waters. Hope it was worth it for the great photos.