Anonymous ID: 3e5f5a Sept. 4, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.2882203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2219 >>2237 >>2271

Jack is being mouthy, kek


We could BAN Trump for breaking our rules about abusive tweets warns Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey ahead of tech giants' Capitol Hill showdown

Twitter says it isn't promising to let Trump slide with angry tweets that would get less-famous users banned

General policy is to provide a judgment-free platform for world leaders because everything they say is newsworthy

But that's 'not a blanket exception for the president or anyone else,' the company says

Twitter's CEO insists his platform isn't politically biased against Republicans and will tell a congressional committee the same thing on Wednesday

Twitter said Tuesday that no one is exempt from the threat of being banned for violating its rules governing abusive behavior – not even President Donald Trump.


The social media giant has a sliding standard for heads of state and other controversy-attracting people because what they say is inherently newsworthy. But that's 'not a blanket exception for the president or anyone else,' Twitter legal and policy chief Vijaya Gadde told Politico.


About 54.2 million people follow Trump on Twitter, inviting equally his opinions about public policy and the people and nations he loves to hate.


'Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N.,' the president tweeted nearly a year ago. 'If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won't be around much longer!'


That kind of direct threat could run afoul of Twitter's Terms of Service, even if Trump has nuclear launch codes and the legal authority to use them.

Anonymous ID: 3e5f5a Sept. 4, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.2882317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2330 >>2376




i've trusted the plan all along, i knew when Q started posting it was something real, BIG, and quite special.

And when Trump tweeted wonderful friends, that was a really solid proof( i was one of the anons who asked Q to have Trump tweet that)

And each subsequent proof, only strengthened it.

I wrote/posted the purple part, and another anon made the meme.kek