Anonymous ID: 52dc8e Sept. 4, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.2881715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1756 >>2044 >>2073

I watched the video (attached) posted by an anon last week and

something has been bothering me about it. It talks

about the secret Talmud of the Jewish faith. It talks

about being a money changer and how to destroy the Goy.

Anyway…it just felt like something the Khazarian's

would put together and use it to corrupt the Jewish faith.

We know how they've infiltrated the Catholic church. So if

the Khazarians chose the Jewish faith under duress, I could

see them corrupting it ….making it a religion they could

get behind. I'd love to hear from a religious scholar to

find out the history of the Talmud and the timeframe it

first appeared.