Anonymous ID: 74939f Sept. 4, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.2881841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1895


>>2881054 , >>2881063 , >>2881079 , >>2881087

>>2881089 , >>2881091 , >>2881115 , >>2881122

>>2881137 , >>2881164 , >>2881182 , >>2881185

>>2881193 , >>2881221 , >>2881278 , >>2881291

>>2881308 , >>2881324 , >>2881354 , >>2881421

>>2881459 , >>2881518 , >>2881524 , >>2881528

>>2881547 , >>2881548 , >>2881643


Here's a present for my friends on the chan.


It was fun yanking your chain.

Anonymous ID: 74939f Sept. 4, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2882025   🗄️.is 🔗kun


actually, I am the ONLY person who was posting resumes in that bread, 3 different resumes, and they all came from the top of Google. Kek.


Honey, would you like to meet my alter ego, Lucy Ball? I'm sure Lucy would love to meet you, she's such a sweet lady.


We are from the south, y'all.

Anonymous ID: 74939f Sept. 4, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.2882067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2089 >>2180


>How can it be a coincidence for 3 people in a family to get leukemia but different types of it. It makes no sense!!


It's not . You all drinking the same water? Get the water tested for heavy metals. Would highly recommend filtering it. Activated charcoal works well.


Diet soda will also trigger shit. Do you eat any seafood? Look into iodine… dmso…. the cures are out there but you have to look for them and you have to figure out exactly what you have and what will help.


Also look into lymphatic massage.

Anonymous ID: 74939f Sept. 4, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.2882270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2287


Do your research, an anon just reported that activated charcoal won't take heavy metals out of your body.


Iodine is a very potent treatment.


Just found this…. makes sense to me. Don't be afraid to take enough iodine… look up the dosages and see what you need to take.


Normal dr's won't help with this shit…. chemo is just expensive witch dr to steal your money.


Figure out exactly what is going on…. this can be hard but once you understand the cause-effect cycle you can come up with a treatment plan.


I have waardenberg's syndrome… no one ever told me but I traced it back to magnesium and vitamin D deficiency. If I take magnesium regularly I feel much better.