Anonymous ID: 77452a Sept. 4, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.2882007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2067


They can say they had breakthroughs and now releasing it. Don't have to say 'we had it for years and years and Trump made us release it'. Release cure by each type of organ, blood first for all need good blood to fight disease, then lungs, liver, etc.

But if they could be so kind to release the cure for CLL, CML, and CLL/SLL all 3 are a form of leukemia it would be greatly appreciated. Because I think it is bull shit that 2 of my family members and myself have been diagnosed with this shit THIS YEAR ALONE!

How can it be a coincidence for 3 people in a family to get leukemia but different types of it. It makes no sense!!

Anonymous ID: 77452a Sept. 4, 2018, 8:16 p.m. No.2882180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2270


Thanks anon. Water we do have in common, I have galvanized pipes.

Where would I find activated charcoal?

WE don't drink diet - aspartame is bad shit. No seafood on 2 of us, 1 does.

I will research. 2 are already on chemo, I have the CLL/SLL and am holding out I don't want that shit in me but the bone pain is getting to me and I can't take Motrin anymore because I read it can cause it too.