Anonymous ID: 2248ac Sept. 4, 2018, 9:54 p.m. No.2883356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3383 >>3398 >>3443 >>3943



One day I was browsing around the internet researching different things.

Then suddenly I see this strange story about some guy calling himself Q.

At the time, though interested, I had no idea how this thing

was going to change my life. I had no idea that I would end up on

a stage before the world. I had no idea that I would be putting my life

in a vulnerable position. Evil men, evil rich, and earthly powerful men

(and woman) are watching this board. Not too mention every spy agency in the world.

But at first when I posted I didn't think much about that. I felt anonymous and insigificant.


But then somewhere along the way I began to realize that we aren't insignificant.

We have the potential power to help make a real differance (with Q team leading the way).

But that also means that we are potentially being identifide and labled

by the cabal as so called enemy combatants. This potentially makes

us vulnerable to attack. No, we are not going in the field strapped with m16s like

the Q team but we are actually and truly a part of the fight. And just like the

Q team, also have the potential of being hit.


In truth I've been humbled by this thought. By this reality. By this "world stage."

But I've also come to feel (for good or for bad) that I am part of a team.

Q is the leader of this movement and we… we have become part of the Q Army.

Regular people who want to see evil taken out of power.

In general we are military grade (accidental) warriors. Whether you intended to be or not.
