What are you talking about? They were dropped per the law the day of his death and the day after. The left whined incessantly, and he signed an EO extending until his burial. Coupled with the "in state" honor and very public visitation and funeral, it was a brilliant move. They shat all over themselves for 9 days.
I'm not looking for anything. I understand the law, and I understand the play Trump is making. The link you dropped has nothing to do with this (not directly at least).
Pay attention anon.
What a sad life this guy must have, famewhoring day after day, night after night.
As more of this becomes public, the left slides even deeper into obscurity. It's obvious to anybody with a pair of brain cells to rub together that they are petty and crass. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a super majority in both the House and the Senate…
He's not right because patriots are intending to get out and vote and the Democrats know it. They are only HOPING that something happens that will stop the bleeding. Their internal polling tells the truth, that's why they're getting more and more shrill every day. It will continue, and they will continue to lose sane voters up till the election.
They know, they just haven't admitted it to themselves, yet. Cognitive dissonance.
Yup. I think that's what's going to end it. At least, that's the beginning of the end.