Anonymous ID: 6a8924 Sept. 4, 2018, 10:23 p.m. No.2883610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3686 >>3764 >>3882 >>3922

Emails Show Obama WH Planned to Use Sandy Hook Shooting for Political Gain


Former President Barack Obama’s education secretary and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel were planning to turn a national tragedy into a legislative victory for the administration two days after the 2012 mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.


On the morning of Dec. 14, 2012, a 20-year-old man killed his mother in their home then traveled to Sandy Hook Elementary School with a semi-automatic rifle and two pistols in tow.


Two days later, on the evening of Dec. 16, former-Education Secretary Arne Duncan emailed Emanuel under the subject line, “CT shootings,” seeking advice on pushing gun reform legislation, according to The Baltimore Post.


The complete exchange took place between 6:57 p.m. to 7:08 p.m. It follows as first reported by The Post:


Duncan: “What are your thoughts?”


Emanuel: “Go for a vote this week before it fades. Tap peoples’ emotion. Make it simple assault weapons.”


Duncan: “Yup- thanks.”


Emanuel: “When I did Brady bill and assault weapons for Clinton, we always made it simple: Criminals or war weapons.”


Duncan: “Gun show loophole? Database? Cop-killer bullets? Too complicated?”


Emanuel: “Cop killer maybe. The other no.”


Duncan: “Got it.”


At the time of the shooting, Newtown was the second most deadly mass shooting on a school campus after a 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech where 32 students and teachers were killed. Emanuel served as an adviser to former-President Bill Clinton from 1992 to 1998. He worked with Clinton to push Congress to pass the 1993 Brady bill that imposed a five-day waiting period for purchasing a handgun. Emanuel also worked in the White House when Congress passed the 1994 federal assault weapons ban that made 18 specific firearms illegal, along with some gun features and modifications. The weapons ban timed out after 10 years.


Former White House staff emails reveal private thoughts amid one of the nation’s most horrific school tragedies

Anonymous ID: 6a8924 Sept. 4, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.2883882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3922 >>3947

RAHM EMANUEL: Ardent Zionist called Obama’s ‘Svengali’




Initial media reports described Emanuel as a vulgar, Chicago-based enforcer who had an aggressive, in-your- face, pit-bull style. Rahm Emanuel, nicknamed “Rahmbo,” is a pro- Israel Orthodox Jew who was educated in a Talmudic yeshiva and served as a volunteer in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). He is a dual citizen of Israel, which his office refused to deny when AFP inquired. Israel is the only nation where Americans can apply for and obtain citizenship without automatically renouncing U.S. citizenship.

Mentored by members of Chicago’s corrupt party machine like convicted Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, Emanuel gravitated to Washington in 1991 after becoming Bill Clinton’s campaign finance committee director. His star rose even higher when he served as one of the primary NAFTA architects and pushed strict anti-gun legislation. After leaving his post as a policy aide for the Clintons, he used his influence as an investment banker to rake in millions during the late 1990s. With this money, Emanuel won a congressional seat in 2002, became the fourth ranking House Democrat by 2006, and is now the most powerful member of Obama’s executive office team.



What truly makes Emanuel dangerous is that his Israeli-born father Benjamin was an integral member of the Zionist terror group known as Irgun during the 1940s. Along with another notorious terror outfit—the Stern Gang—Irgun bombed Jerusalem’s King David Hotel in 1946 where 96 people were killed; while also instigating the 1948 Deir Yassin Massacre. Rahm Emanuel is the son of a terrorist who directly plotted the assassination of Count Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat and United Nations envoy who tried to broker peace in Palestine. But Irgun didn’t seek treaties. It instead sought racial cleansing and genocide. According to Elisabeth Bumiller in The New York Times, Benjamin Emanuel passed secret codes to Shin Bet bomber and future Prime Minister Menachem Begin. These very same Jewish terrorists eventually became the recognized Israeli government in 1948, as well as predecessors to Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party.



Rahm Emanuel likes to brag about his role in discovering Barack Obama. “Six years ago, people on the North Side of Chicago took a bet on a young kid,” “Rahm and Barack have a deep history together in Chicago politics. Emanuel has been instrumental in the rise of Barack Obama from neophyte senator to the next president of the United States. Getting virtually no media attention, Rahm Emanuel has been by Obama’s side during most of the last two years on the campaign trail.” When Obama bowed and groveled at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) convention on June 4, 2008, it was Emanuel who escorted him to meet the executive board afterward. Worst of all, Emanuel is a rampant warmonger who takes his cues from the neo-cons. In his book The Plan: Big Ideas for America, he wrote, “We need to expand the U.S. Army by 100,000 more troops.”


To get a final idea of what we’re dealing with, consider this quote from U.S. war journalist Pat Dollard: Letme tell you right now, no exaggeration. Rahm Emanuel is the devil. He is . . . a Goebbels, a Mengele, a perfect Cromwell who would, without the

faintest evidence of hesitation washing across his face for even a millisecond, order and even personally execute each and every human being he or Obama perceived to be an enemy of the regime. And if you ever personally offended him, and he had the opportunity to kill you, he would probably do it by starting with your children as you were made to watch. He is a bad guy. Some researchers have gone so far as to claim that Emanuel was the notorious “Mega” spy deep inside the Clinton administration who passed top-secret documents about Iran on to the Israeli government, causing a great deal of chaos among the various intelligence agencies. Be very wary of this man. Like the “Prince of Darkness” Richard Perle and Michael Chertoff before him (both of whom hold dual U.S.-Israeli citizenships), it may well be proven that his loyalties rest more with a fabricated little state in the Middle East than they do with us.

