Anonymous ID: 8fd430 Sept. 4, 2018, 10:29 p.m. No.2883667   🗄️.is 🔗kun


wow…they got smart and started taking cash only….but still do not get the words from Q..


"We hear all, we see all…"


Quite stupid. Or, is it a very well placed tactical insertion by clowns so as to further allow the public themselves to build rage so as to create chaos…….what sometimes irks the shit out of my logic is simply this……


If war and division were the end goals, why didn't DS simply expose "some" of it's nastiness in view of the general public in a manner which would incite those who were unfortunate enough to have witnessed the direct exposure. It would have effectively made sure that while DS maintained an illusionary existence with control over those who were not witness to their purposeful exposure so as to fight their little war with the one's who were allowed to "see" I can understand quite well that such an entity as the DS would rely heavily upon obscurity of self. I can also understand the current narrative, which is that boldness due to unchallenged rule allowed for what is being brought against them by us to have been unanticipated. I cannot understand that with everything at their disposal why not only do they continue fighting a losing battle, but they continue to hide outright. As well balanced and thought out as this movement is in appearance, can we ever be sure that the mindset behind the motivation of DS is effectively wiped out beyond having the means to reclaim power? The only real answer I see to this is yes, but only by making sure each and every individual has the very power DS minds seek to seize hold of. Sigh…just rambling.