Anonymous ID: f49a5d Sept. 4, 2018, 9:57 p.m. No.2883375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3399


There's nothing to explain.

>Fictional reporting

>Misquoting Q

>Misrepresenting the movement saying it calls for "violence"

I can go on but what's the point? Shit is shit.

Anonymous ID: f49a5d Sept. 4, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.2883505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3531


>muh chatlogs

Posobiec attributed another anon's post to Q, the one where an anon stated that Hillary would be arrested at a specific time and date. Q responded to that post saying that her passport is flagged more or less and in his next post stated "HRC detained, not arrested (yet).", keyword there being "yet", we never found proof of her detainment but if it did occur she was obviously released and the situation was kept hush hush. Why, I don't know, doesn't make a lot of sense even from an optics standpoint. Either way Posobiec's "truth" doesn't hold water.

Anonymous ID: f49a5d Sept. 4, 2018, 10:19 p.m. No.2883580   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good graphic, the "no interest in proving my legitimacy" quip is a telltale sign of a classic halfchan troll. How many fucking threads have I been in that ended up using that tired line?…