Youve been postin this crap for hours…..shittin on the loaf…..
Missiles to much collateral damage….controlled demolition most likely
No real explanation other than plane crash…..didnt damage enogh to be much else….the towers came down way to easily tho
When they blow me up…..i just keep posting news articles that prove my post til they rack their brains and su and go away
Even if RR doesnt become liable it exposes anyone else who is in those pages…BO….opens doors to other implications
Still opens the door to othet implications…..judge roberts will have some splainin to do….BO will have some splainin to do….and whoever elses name is on those papers….then theyll go deeper and see whay elae was illegally pushed through the system
Masons arent enemies of the church….masons were the ones who were tasked with rebuilding solomons temple and probably have strong ties to templars
If it was them…..why didnt they do a live troll post and prove its a hoax
Templars supposidly had a hand in hiding the ark…..masons were entrusted by cyrus in rebuilding solomons temple…..after the persians destroyed it the second time…..templars and crusades happened around 1200-1400 ad…..whe. Islam wiped nearly 3 mil christians out in the Mediterranean
Cool i love bewbs and ancient history