just another way the pederasts and pedophiles can act out in our face
yes, its clear the queen and deep pedo state is threatened(not)
just another way the pederasts and pedophiles can act out in our face
yes, its clear the queen and deep pedo state is threatened(not)
if you start seeing white flight to Russia know it began with white flight from American cities.
If you saw any of Capuano ads he was full on open borders, demolish ICE, grab guns, abortion 24x7 all the way down the line and even that isn't enough for these fucks u here
I fucking hate Massachusetts and its fucking Governor and all the pols. It is all fur coat and no knickers. I broke ass jew state full of deviants and traitors. hard core.
the word was "convert" the implications of which have been studiously avoided and for good reason…convert to what? context makes it clear. convert to Catholicism…and THAT is anathema to the Novus Ordo cult and their ostpolitick.
I wouldn't trust a word the Novus Ordo has to say about this. They are masters of the lie.
"Khazar Turk invaders and trespassers close down concentration camp gate after Semitic freedom fighters try to shut.it.down."
That's more truthful than "wired sources".
The number one killer of blacks is blacks. PERIOD.
yet they blame whites who they kill and rape in shocking numbers whilst they go on and on and on about muh lynchings. fucking hypocrites.