ThanQ baker!
Symbolism will be their downfall
Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
The legal system is owned by the masons. Most of the United States Supreme Court Judges have been Masons.
12 jurors and one judge =13.
There is no law anywhere that requires 12 jurors. So why 12?
Proctor & Gamble (image left) vigorously denies the accusations, contending that the horns are merely curls of hair.
And the 13 stars? According to Proctor & Gamble, they represent the original 13 colonies of the U.S.A. The man in the moon, a company spokesman claims, also honors the original colonies.
In 1992, Proctor & Gamble decided to slightly revise its bizarre and troublesome logo. A corporate spokesman announced that the curls (or horns?) were being softened artistically. Other minor changes were also made, ostensibly to alleviate concerns. But rumors and questions still remain.
In any case, soap-maker Proctor & Gamble has filed lawsuits against several people believed to be responsible for spreading the allegations of devilism. But, in at least one of the lawsuits, the company raised eyebrows when the news came out that Proctor & Gamble was seeking exactly $66,600 in damages!
Thirteen years later, the French Revolution begins. ("13" is an occultic number: Antichrist emerges from the 13th and lost tribe of Dan. The Munsters live on 1313 Mockingbird Lane and Friday the 13th is associated with bad luck. Sometimes, but not usually, a 13th month is added to the Hebrew lunar calendar.)
On January 7th, Bill Clinton preached a sermon at the Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. The sermon lasted precisely 13 minutes: there’s that number again!
In the sermon, he told the 700 people in attendance,
"I look forward to finding out whether John Quincy Adams was right when he said, ’There is nothing so pathetic in life as an ex-president.’" (3)
I think he was far more pathetic as President. Bill Clinton concluded his 13 minute sermon by thanking the "parish" for its "welcome to gay and lesbian Christians, people who should not feel outside the family of God." (4)
Pastor J. Philip Wogaman and President Clinton exchanged backslaps.
"By the authority vested in me as President (Clinton) by the Constitution and bearing in mind the obligations of the United States pursuant to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other relevant treaties concerned with the protection and promotion of human rights to which the United States is now or may become a party in the future, it is hereby ordered."
Like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child uses manipulative and misleading language. According to Article 13,
"The child shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers…"
While parents lose their right to set safe boundaries for their children, the State assumes full power to "protect" the child and define the rules. Thus Article 13 concludes with:
"This right may be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary for respect of the rights or reputations of others; or for protection of national security or public order."
Likewise, if parents restrict their child’s "right to freedom of association" or their child’s ambiguous rights to "privacy" or "conscience and religion" (Articles 14 -16), they would break this law and face the potential loss of their child to the state’s "protection" services. In the context of UN ideology, "national security or public order" refers to the concept of solidarity, a utopian community oneness based on shared values defined by Globalist leaders.
body to long. adding more after this post
Microsoft Windows Logo
Then there is my favorite hidden 13 and 33.
13 is more pronounced (Windows Logo).
The 1947-1948 Annual Report of the tax-exempt Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund revealed:
"In 1938, a new building at 1313 East Sixtieth Street, Chicago (constructed under grants from the Spelman Fund) was completed to provide adequate quarters… for the use and occupancy of the national governmental organizations. This building has come to be known as ’1313’. "…
An agency known as the Public Administration Clearing House was set up… Endorsement of the Public Administration Clearing House came from the National Municipal League, the American Municipal Association, etc….
"The Public Administration Clearing House manages the building at 1313 E. Sixtieth Street, Chicago."
Further financing for the "1313" has been provided by the Carnegie Corporation, the Julius Rosenwald (Sears Roebuck & Company) Fund, and the Russell Sage Foundation.
In his article in the January 1973 issue of AMERICAN OPINION magazine Gary Allen said that the primary funding now comes from the Ford Foundation which has "poured tens of millions of dollars into scores, possibly hundreds of regional government projects" promoted by "1313"
Federal reserve act - transferred money issue to Banksters - December 23 1913
Roosevelt declares bankruptcy of US March 9 1933
(or 3/9/33) this one has the 3, 39 and 33.
Here fellow anon if interested
A beginning…
Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Jew, is born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house.
Moses Amschel Bauer places a red sign above the entrance door to his counting house.
This sign is a red hexagram (which geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666) which under Rothschild instruction will end up on the Israeli flag some two centuries later.
Gutle Schnaper, an Ashkenazi Jew (future wife of Mayer Amschel Bauer), born to respected merchant, Wolf Salomon Schnaper.
During this decade Mayer Amschel Bauer works for a bank owned by the Oppenheimers' in Hanover, Germany. He is highly successful and becomes a junior partner. Whilst working at the bank he becomes acquainted with General von Estorff.
Following his father's death, Bauer returns to Frankfurt to take over his father's business.
Bauer recognises the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door ("Rot," is German for, "Red," "Schild," is German for, "Sign").
I don't know about Benjamin Ful… Said to be the spokesman for the Brotherhood of the White Dragon. A powerful white hat (?) in Asia working against what they call the "New World Order".
Says they have been contacted by Rothschild and been offered an amount (I can't remember) but enough money to make you wealthier than some of the wealthiest in the U.S
Also saw bountys on Bush and other bad guys with hefty awards, in gold not fiat currency.
They are interesting but have not heard or seen much. Perhaps Q knows more and leaves a crumb one day.