Unfortunately, identity politics has been so ingrained into the youth that people who are otherwise awake to their surroundings can't escape it. "Boomer" is used to discredit by association so as to reinforce one's own self-importance, which presumably stems from the obvious fact that, if the twenty-something had been alive in the 1950s or 60s HE would've been able to see through all the bullshit despite having no access to any revisionist history, documents, or eyewitness accounts, all of which are only a couple of mouse clicks away from us. Of course, that the boomer generation was reared in this environment by their parents who never thought to question their surroundings is irrelevant as well, as is the fact that most of the movers and shakers in this movement are "boomers"…just a stupid and uninformative word that needs to go away….usage implies idiocy and herd mentality.