Anonymous ID: 0975e6 Sept. 5, 2018, 6:28 a.m. No.2885771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Globalist Purge: UN Invasion, Martial Law, Walmart Closings, & FEMA Camps


The Black Banners of the East Satellite Station


It has been long in the making… Executive orders - from the time of Reagan to Obama have made it more and more of a reality today. We have seen glimpses of it during Hurricanes Katrina and Harvey - during Martial law training exercises, such as JadeHelm15.


Evidences of FEMA Prison camps popping up all over the country, the militarization of police, the invasive procedures of intelligence services using the latest in A.I. technology… the list goes on and on. There is an invasion of America happening as we speak, and they have traded in the red coats and white wigs, for white trucks and blue helmets. Join us, in this new documentary series produced by the Black Banners of the East Satellite Channel - as we expose the nefarious globalist plan to enslave anyone who refuses their New World Order.


Be a part of the Media Revolution — the Black Banners of the East is taking this information out of the arena of YouTube Conspiracy and broadcasting its truth to millions on Satellite T.V. Help us… Like. Subscribe. Share.