who is rahm emanuel?
Was he infact a "pro israeli" or is he a globalist puppet? Given his allegiance to hussein, the answer is clear. "Tell me who your friends are, and ill tell you who are you".
>Rahm Emanuel is probably destined to have a long future in American politics. He is entitled to his opinions, but not to his phony claim of being a suppressed critic of the Jewish state.
Does what Rahm Emanuel says about Israel matter?
>It does. He played an important role in shaping the pro-Arab tilt of the first Obama administration, and he could very well end up having a hand in Mideast policy in the future.
And here is a piece from the soros mouthpiece in israel "haaretz":
>While associates of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are convinced that Emanuel is inciting the U.S. president against Israel behind the scenes - and providing the amateurish psychological explanation that he is "a Jew consumed by self-hatred" - people in Washington who disapprove of his conduct don't look for profound psychological motives. Indeed, some sum up their viewpoint simply by saying: "He's a jerk."
When based israelis hate this puppet and soros mouthpieces glorify him and ridicule them, then i know that he is indeed a puppet. Again, "Tell me who your friends are, and ill tell you who are you".