Anonymous ID: 9c256a Sept. 5, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.2885614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5625 >>5626 >>5630 >>5652 >>5654 >>5674 >>5680 >>5712 >>5715 >>5741 >>5797 >>5844 >>5855 >>5970 >>5996 >>6015 >>6099 >>6133 >>6333 >>6359 >>6362

If this is even remotely accurate then Q and the Trump administration have made a monumental fucking mistake by deciding to sit on whatever evidence they have of the high crimes we've been hearing about since last October.

The time for the public reveal was in August.


ABC/WashPost: Dems Surge to 14-Point Lead in Generic Midterm Poll


If there were evidence that could have been leaked of horrific Bush or Clinton crimes, or the photo of Obama we heard about, or if POTUS was going to unleash Jeff Sessions, it should have been done prior to the mid-term elections.


Early voting begins in less than 2 weeks in many states.


Unfortunately, because of how peoples' brains work, any derogatory information about the criminals will take weeks to percolate into public consciousness.

Maybe an historic miscalculation by Q team.

Or, they did not "have it all" and we were not supposed to "Trust Sessions"

Believe me, I want to be wrong about this.

Sorry for concernfagging.

Anonymous ID: 9c256a Sept. 5, 2018, 6:13 a.m. No.2885671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5692 >>5736


No I do not believe in polling - however 14 points is a lot AND more importantly it is being trumpeted (and this one poll will be trumpeted for the next month, you can be certain of that).

IF Q team had done something to change the narrative, to switch the conversation from normal polling bullshit to whether Hillary deserves live in Leavenworth or lethal injection, the entire mid-term conversation would be different.

That in my opinion is what Q team should have done.

Anonymous ID: 9c256a Sept. 5, 2018, 6:21 a.m. No.2885713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5971


I wish this was persuasive but I think it misses the point that Dems are going to be motivated.

Don't know about your personal experience, but in mine there has yet to be a single election in which one side lost because their voters felt overconfident. And definitely no meaning election.

You know of any?


To reiterate then, on the topic of "behaviors" -

right now the public conversation should be about whether Utah still has firing squads, and whether child trafficking deserves the death penalty if no bodies can be found, and how pedophilia was covered up in Washington DC for so long.

That is what the entire country should be talking about now.

Instead it is business as usual, ABC News pollling metrics, and "Trump is on the ropes."


Fucking bullshit way to approach the mid-terms, if you ask me.

Sorry for doubting Q team's political strategy.