Anonymous ID: b75adf Sept. 5, 2018, 7:33 a.m. No.2886349   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Regardless, it'll need to be answered, and Q knows this. It's obvious that Posobiec and Dilbertman are in on "Q isn't the president or a group close to him", but it's highly curious that another "Q" persona, Michael Lebron, has also seemed to "go quiet" on "Q" after visiting the President. Keep in mind that this particular guy is the "strange one" of the three. He's the only one of the 3 that hasn't come out and straight denied Q; just simply stating a non-confirmational "POTUS knows about it".


It would seem to imply that they are swayed to believe the "Q" phenomenon has nothing to do with Trump or a group helping to secure the future of the USA, and the world, from the world's elite. Here's a problem with that:

Their approach is, in and of itself, unconvincing.


It's unconvincing because we know who we're dealing with: DJT.


Now, I may not particularly agree with DJT's strategy of "bad publicity", but I'm also not a mega billionaire, so there's that. DJT seems to make it work to his advantage no matter what. That's part of what we like about him. You can give that man a pile of shit and he seems to be able to make lemonade out of it.


It's also unconvincing because there has NOT been an outright denial. If Q is who many anons think he is, then he's orchestrated a scenario where the perception, from the outside looking in, appears to be a cult-like following. We anons know what we know, but how can you really "know" it?


Unless Posobiec and Scott Adams are serving some greater purpose while quoting "superior sources", and voluntarily falling on the sword for the "Q" cause in order to buy "Q" time for a reveal later on (After midterms?), then none of what they are doing makes any sense at all. Especially after meeting with DJT.