POTUS won't declas anything - the threat to release fisa docs is meant to force the derp state's hand
POTUS won't declas anything - the threat to release fisa docs is meant to force the derp state's hand
we shall see…
they always overreact
kek tell that to the researchers who were waiting for the JFK declas
thats the point. having snopes debunk the frazzledrip video that was never even real (per Q) showed how easily they could be pressured into overreacting
sorry anon <3
serious question for american anons
does this guy actually play football? ive never seen highlights of him only pics of him taking a knee at every fucking opportunity he gets…
huh. thanks for the info anon!
thee people are such an embarrassment to whatever their cause is. who in their right mind would see them acting like full on retards and think 'ya, i want to get behind that idea too'
kav celebrating his pro-bono work helping to get a Synagogue built…