Thank you Baker.
Thank you Baker.
>>2890189 (Last bread)
>We see you Mossad / or is that you AJ?
I don't care for AJ's style and don't listen/watch him.
But AJ is a Trump supporter and freedom advocate who has a yuge following of Trump voters.
Would a Trump ally or a Trump enemy trash AJ just 2 months before a critical mid term election when Trump needs all the support he can get to avoid a dem takeover of the House and certain impeachment?
Use your brain before answering.
Q trashing AJ at this point in the "operation" tells me more about Q than it does about AJ.
>Q is right
>we should not trust trump!
Pretty well sums up this board.
"Trust muh Sessions."
"Trust muh Wray."
"When is someone going to ask the ultimate question?"
Anons: Trust anonymous 8chan poster Q over the publicly accountable words of Trump, because "trust muh plan" … also Q's words.
WWG#1WG#2 Yay!
>That's what controled opposition does. They manage the narratives to "wake you up", and you feel that way, but at the end of the day, (((they))) keep controlling the narrative and who you follow and listen.
This, 100% of this, can be applied to Q and this board/operation.
You're not helping your argument.
Using Q to defend Q?
Really think Q is going to discredit himself?
Random posts around the same time as Trump's twats (who twats multiple times everyday) considered proof of Q's authenticity?
Because Q says so?
Do you know what a circular argument is?
Do you know what independent verification of provided information is?
What do you think a psyop is, exactly?