Creation Story
An Insider Tells Creation Story of Subjugation, Transformation of Earth
Creation Story.
"Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator. And that off stage (between lives), we are the very best of friends. No one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality. Reality is reality. And you have the power to express your reality within the game, once you have learnt how to do so."
Below is a four-page summary of an unusual creation story which has touched many who read it deeply. It is from a highly unusual discourse with an anonymous individual who claims to be a deep insider. Besides presenting a unique creation story, most intriguing explanations are given as to why there is so much war and violence on our planet, and why many world leaders are so corrupt.
You are encouraged to be skeptical and open to higher guidance as you read this thought-provoking material, yet also open to the inspiration and wisdom shared. Take what works for you and leave the rest. And should this essay resonate with you, don't miss the 16-page version at this link to get the full impact of this material.
In the Beginning
In the beginning, there is the Infinite One. This is the source of All That Is. Infinite consciousness. Intelligent infinity. There is unity. Infinite intelligence and infinite energy โ the two are one, and the potential for all creation is contained therein. Infinite intelligence does not recognize its potential. It is the undifferentiated absolute. This state of consciousness could be termed as "being". Infinite energy, in contrast, recognizes the potential of "becoming" all things. Infinite intelligence can be likened to the central heartbeat of life, and infinite energy to the spiritual life-blood which pumps out from the Creator to form the creation.
In effect, the Creator is a point of focused infinite consciousness expressing infinite intelligent energy. On focusing its infinite intelligence, the One Infinite Creator manifests intelligent energy which you could call the great central sun. It then divides itself into smaller portions of itself that can, in turn, experience themselves as creators or central suns, thus beginning the next step in the creational spiral. In other words, each central sun or creator is a step down in conscious awareness (or distortion) from the original "thought" of creation.
Creation is based upon three primary laws or distortions of the Infinite One: free will, love, and light. In the first law, the creator receives the free will to know and experience itself as an individuated, though paradoxically unified, aspect of the One. In the second, the initial distortion of free will becomes a focus point of awareness known as Logos, or love, which uses its infinite intelligent energy to co-create a vast array of physical manifestations which will best offer the range of potential experiences in which it can know itself. To manifest this infinite spiritual or life-force energy into a physical form, Logos creates the third distortion of light. Wherever thus exists any form of physical matter, there is light, love, and divine intelligent energy at it's core.
So using the law of free will, the One Infinite Creator steps down its infinite energy to become Logos. Logos designs vast universes of space, stepping down and splitting itself into an array of sub-Logos, each of which becomes a co-creator of its own universe. Each universal Logos then designs and creates its own version of physical reality by focusing its intelligent energy to create, for instance, the form of galaxies within itself. Stepping down again, each galactic Logos can split itself into yet further co-creator portions (sub-sub-Logos), which can then design and manifest their own ideas of physical reality, as in the form of stars and planets.