>More on Microdick.
>"I created Q story"
>MicroDick is sticking to his story "i am q"
>this ain't the first time Microchip has claimed inside shit.
The most important truthful thing Q has ever POSTED was to TRUST AND THINK FOR YOURSELF. No one with an ulterior "sinister" motive would advocate that position. Thus, if HE claims Qanon is dangerous, it’s because (as with the MSM and the deep state), he doesn't want people thinking for themselves.
“Notorious pro-Trump Troll, known as microchip”.
If microchip is so “pro Trump” then why does he refer to Trump supporters in JP interview as “those people”?
These guys are more disingenuous than than the MSM because though blind and delusional the MSM actually believe they are doing good. However, these shills know exactly what you are doing which makes their motives even more unforgivable. Let that sink in…