I have seen the videos that make Jones and Bill Hicks seem the same guy. The one thing off is the young photos of Alex Jones working out and pumping iron. Hicks never looked like that. Also the teenage Alex Jones photos look nothing like Bill Hicks in my opinion.
It could also be the over the top schtick of Alex Jones was a technique to keep him from getting killed like Bill Cooper. The MI guys could tell people in the military to listen to Alex Jones but to disregard certain things. Because for years if you named names the Jew would kill you. So they got creative in how they said things. Alex Jones made a handy way to put things in the open air but have plausible deniablity. The same way the MI put shows out movies like "Fightclub" in the public domain but have plausible deniabiltiy. Any of you doubters should go back and rewatch "Fightclub" tonight. It is a training manual on how to organize a military coup against an all powerful force. Everything in that movie is what is taking place now. EVEN the end result….the destroying the Banks to free the normies from Jew debt is there. The split personality thing that makes it seem fictional is still a truth bomb because that IS MKULTRA and the alters. So 'Fightclub" is a MI training manual on conspiracy.
You can have a copy of "fightclub" on your shelf and no one will think your in a conpiracy because you have plausible deniablitity.
You all should be very cautious of Q attacking AJ because it seems a lot like the fake fighting between Trump and Bannon.
And the "Stormy" stripper tour and the fighting with Trump that goes nowhere. OUR people are fucking with you for optics.
Even if AJ is legit bad Jew monkey shit…..OUR people are still fucking with us for optics all the time. So stay frosty and dont believe ANYTHING at first blush. Remember disinformation is necessary. Dont be a shill and dont be used. THINK with your own god given disernment..
By the way "Brainstorm" is the original Q post….but you guys might not be smart enough or know enough esoteria to figure it out. Oh well. Try little anons. Try to think.