>2890983 ID: 921729 = fearpornfag, the GLPish type
Q has NEVER said to "Trust Q"
Q HAS said to trust ourselves.
>2890983 ID: 921729 = fearpornfag, the GLPish type
Q has NEVER said to "Trust Q"
Q HAS said to trust ourselves.
fearporn, taking advantage of National Preparedness Month. disregard
>Time to get the left loving The General?? KEK!!
WaPo Amazon > FAKE NEWS
Disinformation is Necessary
So now the 100% Disclosure shills have checked in
URGENT 🔴 President Donald Trump Speech at the White House - September 5, 2018
President Trump meets with sheriffs from across the country at the White House
It's the "Q doesn't trust us enough to tell us everything" slide. pic related
Curious as to what was discussed behind closed doors
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub// is not down