President Bill Clinton meddled in Russian affairs in the 1990s and helped Boris Yeltsin get elected to a second term,
in turn Yeltsin helped get Putin Elected.
so there you are. this shit wouldn't be relative today if The queen got elected.
President Bill Clinton meddled in Russian affairs in the 1990s and helped Boris Yeltsin get elected to a second term,
in turn Yeltsin helped get Putin Elected.
so there you are. this shit wouldn't be relative today if The queen got elected.
Just go back to her wearing the skeleton key.
that is a pro Israel conspericy crackdown.
Q is pro Russian. common sense tells me.
Nicky Haley is Pro Israel. Trump pro Israel.
UN hates Israel. Russia moves to Orthadox Christianity. EU moving to being PRO Russia.
Mattis/ Bolton War hawks. this is a swift who are we allied with.? Industial complex dont give a fuck whos side we are on. War is a must.