Anonymous ID: bd4344 Sept. 5, 2018, 5:07 p.m. No.2894668   🗄️.is 🔗kun

46 operations contained in the pdf.


Not that they're classified, but the coincidence of there being 46 is well…

commercial airliners and one with a lear jet.


an anon previously mentioned Leo Wanta and Alex Jones.

The Youtube video appears vanished, but there is this…


Leo Wanta mentioned with Operation Standstill.

I have seen sites that are opposite in outlook. That he was in on it, or he is looking for redemption now that he got out of jail, but he could still be part of it.


If Standstill was part of the 16 year plan, then it was not a pretty picture for the masses.


CinC, you stand before the world taking the slings and arrows daily and as your foreign and domestic enemies gather round about, your patience and perseverance to wait for the moment to pull the plug on the drain is beyond commendable. I am glad that my time in service concluded on your watch.