Anonymous ID: e9a4f4 Sept. 5, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.2894479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4507




hmmm…Kavanaugh is on the Board of Washington Jesuit Academy.


Meanwhile, the Democratic Senator from Hawaii put him on the spot for not recognizing the native Hawaii people as having indigenous rights when he filed an Amicus brief in Rice v. Kaitano.


Unfortunately, neither Kavanaugh or the Senator from Hawaii did not mention the apology to the Hawaiian people for the illegal annexation of their Kingdom and lands!


Apology Resolution: PUBLIC LAW 103-150—NOV. 23, 1993


Q - with the existence of the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Inductance and their fingers in everything, plus connecting many other dots, these issues make me uncomfortable - especially a Jesuit Supreme Court Justice!


At any rate, anon pointed out last night that Treason can be, and used to be, prosecuted under the criminal law as well as sedition.