Anonymous ID: a0de38 Sept. 5, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.2895339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5434

When do we get to call (((THEM))) out in an official manner, and when do we stop sending Israel money??? When do we, on a national level, get to expose their crimes against us and the rest of the world?


And when do we get to stop paying fucking taxes?!

Anonymous ID: a0de38 Sept. 5, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.2895647   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(((They))) are very much the ones we are looking for. They are a terrorist country and we are still giving them BILLIONS. They have overrun our government and we have been doing their dirty work for them for decades despite the fact that they have attacked us numerous times and have tried to get us into wars by creating false flags. How many more innocent lives will be lost before this madness stops??


P.L. 115



, the FY2018 Consolidated Appropriations Act, provides the following for Israel:

$3.1 billion in Foreign Military Financing, of which $815.3 million is for off


shore procurement;

$705.8 million for joint U.S.


Israeli missile defense projects,

including $92

million for Iron Dome, $221.5 million for David's Sling, $310 million for Arrow

3, and $82.3 million for Arrow 2;

$47.5 million for the U.S.


Israeli anti


tunnel cooperation program;

$7.5 million in Migration and Refugee Assistance;

$4 millio

n for the establishment of a U.S.


Israel Center of Excellence in energy

and water technologies;

$2 million for the Israel


U.S. Binational Research & Development Foundation

(BIRD) Energy program; and

The reauthorization of War Reserves Stock Allies


Israel (



I) program

through fiscal year 2019.

For FY2019, the Trump Administration is requesting $3.3 billion in Foreign Military Financing

for Israel and $500 million in missile defense aid to mark the first year of the new MOU. The

Administration also is see

king $5.5 million in Migration and Refugee Assistance (MRA) funding

for humanitarian migrants to Israel.