Anonymous ID: 4ebb3a Sept. 5, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.2895699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6322

Voters in Mid-Term Elections Report Watching Their Ballots Mysteriously Switch to Other Candidate


Voters are reporting that after voting, they are watching their ballot mysteriously switch right before their eyes.

Anonymous ID: 4ebb3a Sept. 5, 2018, 6:29 p.m. No.2895960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==The Gray Lady Commits T R E A S O N

in Broad Daylight==


If there was any doubt about it, there is no more about the stealthy CIA-coordinated soft coup being conducted by the U.S. Intelligence Community against the Trump administration.


The New York Times quite shockingly outed itself as a co-conspirator with Deep State in the execution of this coup d’état. By publishing a fake Op-ed by an alleged anonymous member of “The Resistance” supposedly inside the White House, the NYT shredded what little credibility they had left.


Not only that, but the ultra-liberal publication has now provided irrefutable evidence of its direct collusion with a Deep State traitor in the White House in an insurrection against the POTUS.


Wow…you can’t make this stuff up.


Even a cursory reading of the fake Op-ed indicates that it was written as a propaganda piece posted to incite the purple revolutionaries against the administration. The Purple Revolution actually began the very day president Trump was elected. See: BEWARE: The Purple Revolution Comes To America


What’s especially striking about this journalistic hit piece is how incredibly juvenile and ridiculous it was. The content could have been written by an extreme left-wing Democrat who is running for office and looking to unseat his conservative Republican opponent. It really was that amateur an attempt to pass it off as a plea from a so-called high-level insider.


KEY POINT: Holding high the traitorous John McCain was a dead giveaway that this hoax was a desperate Deep State attempt to rally the insurgents around the next phase of their Purple Revolution. Really … John McCain … Deep State’s Shadow Secretary of State, who was both an inveterate warmonger and war criminal.


What wasn’t amateur about the Op-ed, however, is the language which distinguished it as a seditious solicitation for assistance in overthrowing President Trump. That the NYT executive staff made the decision to print the appeal to Americans everywhere makes them automatically an accessory to treason…stone-cold TREASON.


For anyone who doubts this self-evident conclusion, the concerned NYT Op-ed is posted below in its entirety.


If there is a silver lining in this dark cloud hanging over the White House, it’s that the president now has hard evidence of treason which is sufficient to shut down The New York Times for good. The POTUS can’t make such a move soon enough, after all, the whole nation has now witnessed an:

Anonymous ID: 4ebb3a Sept. 5, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.2896147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6413

The Strange Timestamp In The New Novichok 'Evidence'


Today, in a politically convenient moment, the British government released new information about the poisoning of the British spy Sergej Skripal, his daughter, and three other persons. It claims to have identified two men with Russian passports who arrived in London from Moscow on March 2, went to Salisbury on March 3 on a 'reconnaissance' trip, came back to Salisbury on March 4 to put Novichok poison on the doorknob of Skripal's home and flew back from London to Moscow on the same day. The names of the men were given as Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov which are Russian language equivalents of Joe Smith and Sam Jones. These names are likely false.


The police says that CCTV pictures were taken at several steps of the men's travel. The British news agency Reuters seem to distribute these. Several media have picked up copies.


Here are screenshots of two CCTV pictures, taken from an 18 picture gallery in a report by The Independent headlined Salisbury poisoning suspects are Russian state assassins, Theresa May tells MPs.


These are pictures 7 and 8 of a 18 picture gallery within that piece.


(Update: The pics are also available at the Metropolitan police site: 1, 2.)


Notice that the time stamp on both pics is identical, 02/03/2018 16:22:43. But the pictures show two different men, each walking alone through the same part of a jet bridge as they arrive in Britain. How can it be that both of these pictures were taken at the exactly same second? And who tilted the permanently installed CCTV camera between the two shots? How did the camera angle change between pic 1 and two which were apparently taken at the very same place and at the very same time?


If these two pictures can not be trusted how much can one trust the other CCTV pictures the Met showed to support its claims?


The full statement of the Metropolitan police is here. Excerpts of Prime Minister Theresa May's statement are here.


While May claims the two men were send by Russia's military spy service GRU, the Metropolitan police makes no such claims. Theresa May did not say on what evidence she based her conclusion. There seems to be none.


It also seems a bit curious that a 'Russian assassin' team, allegedly from a highly professional secret service, would travel together and use direct flights from Moscow to London and back. That seems extraordinary careless. Why not fly separate and via a third country?


And why would a professional assassin team drop a cellophane wrapped, unopened perfume bottle with the same poison into a charity bin behind shops in Catherine Street in Salisbury where Charlie Rowley would find it some 14 weeks(!?) later?


The police says that it found traces of Novichok in the crappy hotel the 'Russian agents' stayed in between March 2 and March 4. It found those traces on May 4 but it waited until today to publicly ask other guests at the hotel to contact the police?


If the incident was a professional assassination attempt with a highly potent 'Novichok' compound why did 4 out of 5 people who came into contact with it survive? The 80% failure rate is inconsistent with the scary tale about the highly potent 'Russian' Novichok poison. A decent dose of Megachok is probably more lethal.