Anonymous ID: e3cbb4 Sept. 5, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.2896407   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Be easy about it.

C'mon, you can't be that naive. This is Boomer Central. Created by Boomers, Driven by Boomers, curated by Boomers, Moderated by Boomers. Hell, Boomers invented the world as your sorry little ass knows it. Read some Ronald Reagan. When confronted with some pup who said they didn't understand the internet and technology, he said something about "well, we had to take the time to invent it for you". Rough paraphrase that I'm sure I'll be corrected on.

"Older People", sheesh. We're all in this together son, welcome to the revolution.