Anonymous ID: ea4c53 Sept. 5, 2018, 6:30 p.m. No.2895978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another cockroach in the woodwerk.

Any connection to the Bushies I wonder?


instrumental in the early establishment of the Germanic Neopagan movement in North America and has also been very active in Left-Hand Path occult organizations.

The Bonham, Texas-born scholar was the only son of Betty Jane Eden, daughter of Edred Cosgrove Eden (1888-1945) who is said to belong to the same house as Lord Avon, Anthony Eden, and was a Mason and knight of the KKK.

In 1960 his family moved to Dallas.

He joined the Church of Satan in 1972 though he reportedly never became involved with the organization beyond receiving their newsletter, The Cloven Hoof.

In the summer of 1974 Flowers moved to Austin and did his graduate work in Germanic and Celtic philology under professor and scholar Edgar Polomé at the University of Texas at Austin from 1973-1984.

The O.S.T. served as a segue into his involvement with the Temple of Set, an organization in which he currently holds the degree of Ipsissimus VI°.


Flowers later established Lodestar, "a project growing to ever expanding levels of communication for the ideas and practices of the Indo-European, Germanic, Mazdan and Left Hand Path traditions"

Sweyn Plowright, a former member of the Rune Gild who resigned from the organization in 2000, has referred to the philosophy of Flowers as being "neo-Satanic" and antinomian. As with others, he has propagated the belief that Flowers writings on Runes and Germanic Native Faith (Asatru/Odinism) is polluted with Setian/Satanic philosophy and ideals.
