Anonymous ID: fc3612 Sept. 5, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.2896151   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"“Today’s sentence is the result of very hard work by the assigned Assistant U.S. Attorneys and the special agents from the IRS and the FBI,” said U.S. Attorney Kees. “We both respect and appreciate the judgment of the Court and the sentence that Judge Brooks ordered today. This sentence should send a message to the people who would abuse the trust of Arkansas voters and citizens. It should serve as a serious warning to those who would intentionally steal money from taxpayers and use their elected office to both commit and conceal their crimes. As I stated after the jury trial concluded, my office, along with the Criminal Division from the Department of Justice, will continue to investigate, pursue and prosecute public corruption cases in Arkansas in order to ensure the fairness and justice that the people of Arkansas deserve.”