Anonymous ID: 0adf86 Sept. 5, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.2897009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045 >>7115


This is the man that broke into Bohemian grove. Who stood outside of Bilderberg with a bullhorn. Who raved about globalism, 9/11 and the deep state before it was cool. When all he got was ridicule. The guy who put his ass on the line since he was 20 years old on the radio, for hours every day, pounding the shit that Q just starting talking about last November. There is almost nothing big picture wise that Q has stated about the powers that control us that Alex wasn't hammering on more than a decade ago. This is the guy who with the help of Roger Stone coined "Bill Clinton is a Rapist" and turned it into a meme, shouted at Bill and Hillary around the country during the middle of their speeches. The guy who Hillary Clinton attacked during the election viciously. The guy who has now been taken off every major platform by the Tech giants that Q whines about here constantly. Watch the video. This is the guy that Q would have you believe is a plant. A traitor. Q wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Alex.


Something doesn't add up. Why is Q trying to divide the base?

Anonymous ID: 0adf86 Sept. 5, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.2897116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7149


Good argument. It must be nice to sit behind a keyboard, risking nothing, bashing men who have dedicated their lives to pushing the truth when there seemed to be no hope at all. I said nothing that wasn't true. You have no argument, no refutation, no evidence, nothing. You just name call, and post stupid cartoons like the immature low IQ sheep you are.


If anyone here actually is capable of discussing this in an intelligent way, of posting a legitimate counterpoint, I'm all ears.