Anonymous ID: 1399fb Sept. 5, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.2896463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6483 >>6564 >>6743

BOOM! Joe diGenova: Rod Rosenstein Has a Big Problem – He Is Under Investigation for Things Involving FISA Warrants (VIDEO)


Former US Attorney Joe diGenova told Sean Hannity on Wednesday night that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is under investigation.


oe diGenova: It was obvious that a fraud was committed on the court… We can no longer trust the department under Rosenstein, who by the way, he’s got a big problem with FISA… He’s now under investigation and he can’t do FISAs anymore.


Hannity: Whoa! Rosenstein is under investigation?


DiGenova: Rosenstein is under investigation for things that involve the FISA warrants.


This was an amazing segment!

Anonymous ID: 1399fb Sept. 5, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.2896536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6561


KEK. Russia has the best electronic weaponry, they have been shooting down suicide drones in Syria at 100% strike rate. Their shit is so tight they would have known it was unarmed!

Anonymous ID: 1399fb Sept. 5, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.2896567   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 1399fb Sept. 5, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.2897015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7140

‘Coward’: Left Rips ‘Senior Official’ Behind Anonymous New York Times Op-ed


If the “senior official” who published an anonymous op-ed bashing President Donald Trump in the New York Times on Wednesday was hoping for accolades from the opposition, he or she must have been sorely disappointed, as the media’s leftists and Never Trumpers accused the author of cowardice for failing to take the extra step of removing Trump altogether.


The author claimed to be part of the “resistance” inside the White House. But the real “resistance” wasn’t having it.


Jessica Roy, an anti-Trump writer at the Los Angeles Times, attacked the author in an op-ed titled, “No, anonymous Trump official, you’re not ‘part of the resistance.’ You’re a coward.” She accused the author of “enabling” the president:


Nobody who’s part of the real resistance should be celebrating this. If you work in this administration and carry out any part of Trump’s agenda, you are enabling him, not undermining him. If we have a president so incompetent that his most trusted advisors have to play peekaboo to preserve national security, then those people should be working to get him out of office, not just spare us from his cruelest impulses.



If they really believe there’s a need to subvert the president to protect the country, they should be getting this person out of the White House. But they’re too cowardly and afraid of the possible implications. They hand-wave the notion thusly:


“Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis.”


How is it that utilizing the 25th Amendment of the Constitution would cause a crisis, but admitting to subverting a democratically elected leader wouldn’t?


David Frum, a Never Trump former George W. Bush aide, agreed in the Atlantic, calling the op-ed a “cowardly coup”:


If the president’s closest advisers believe that he is morally and intellectually unfit for his high office, they have a duty to do their utmost to remove him from it, by the lawful means at hand. That duty may be risky to their careers in government or afterward. But on their first day at work, they swore an oath to defend the Constitution—and there were no “riskiness” exemptions in the text of that oath.


[W]hat the author has just done is throw the government of the United States into even more dangerous turmoil. He or she has enflamed the paranoia of the president and empowered the president’s willfulness.


Comments on the Times op-ed tended to agree that the author lacked the courage to act on his or her convictions.

Anonymous ID: 1399fb Sept. 5, 2018, 7:38 p.m. No.2897047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7077

Schmidt: Op-Ed Writer Has an ‘Obligation to the Country’ to ‘Come Forward’ In ‘This Moment of Crisis’


Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” campaign strategist for former President George W. Bush and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) Steve Schmidt said the senior White House official who wrote The New York Times op-ed critical of President Donald Trump “must come forward into the light.”


Schmidt said, “The first thing I would like to say as someone in the resistance on the outside is thank you. And it is nice to hear from you. But it is not enough. We are in an hour of national emergency in this country. That is evidenced by the president’s behavior and erratic behavior that we see in public every day. By the account of this op-ed and of course by Bob Woodward’s book, a journalist of the highest standards and reputation who has distinguished himself over a lifetime of meticulous reporting about how the powerful act. ”


He continued, “We know that this administration is vile, corrupt, and likely criminal. We know that this president is amoral. That he is mentally and intellectually unfit for his office. What I would say back to the author of this op-ed, is that this resistance inside the administration, whomever they are, must now gather. And one of them, the best of them, the toughest, the hardest, the most credible must come forward into the light. They must take the full step and tell the American people the truth. The American people deserve to know. We are a nation, and this vile, immoral, corrupt, indecent dangerous intellectually unfit president is a danger to all of us. and they have an obligation to the country to the constitution, to every American patriot from Nathan Hale and on. who said, Nathan Hale ‘I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.’ We are just asking them to come forward and tell the truth. The truth in a moment of crisis. The crisis is the political cowardliness in the country, acute in the Republican Party where not one person will step forward and say enough is enough, which is assaults on objective truth on the rule of law, a liberal democracy. Enough is enough with his fetishizing autocratic dictators around the world with assaulting our allies, enough. Who will step forward? that question now is foremost in my mind reading this? We need someone in the public, to tell the truth.”


So much stage setting going on! KEK