Anonymous ID: e312a1 Sept. 5, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.2897130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7168 >>7180

This is just a FYI for some, if it applies to you, you will understand

As the shit storm is arriving, I can only imagine what will be revealed.

There is a reason why some of us are unable to dig on the CP, MK satanic shit. I learned the hard way. We can still help by digging on other topics and are still very important to The Awakening.

When you see or hear things, images make you physically ill, people's voices or pictures make you ill - WALK AWAY! For your sanity, get outdoors, feel the sun, look to the sky, imagine God's outstretched arms comforting you.

You are not alone

God bless those anons, law enforcement, military & just plain good people who cannot sleep until they help the weak - God will bless you a 1,000 fold!

Where we go one we go all