Hey boys
Any of you needing
Some boobies
Cause my boobier
Sure could use some KNEADING
Hey boys
Any of you needing
Some boobies
Cause my boobier
Sure could use some KNEADING
See the name of that photo?
The Veps people are an ethnic group
Related to the Finns, Estonians, Karelians and several other aboriginal people's of the Russian empire.
Their ancestral homeland is the area around the city of St. Petersburg.
You know somebody who is an ethnic Vepsian.
A very well=known fellow who most people think is Russian.
Well, he is a Russian citizen and he speaks Russian fluently as a native language, but when he was raising his family he was a member of a holiday camp for ethnic Vepsian's near St. Petersburg. The only known photo of his two daughters was taken at the camp and they are wearing ethnic Vepsian costumes.
His name?
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin