Glad to have you manning the oven, GreenHornBaker. Get enough of these under your belt we can call you OldHatBaker. I'm one of the regular night bakers. Was gonna offer to go grab any notes that were missed lb but I see this Anon/Baker is on it: >>2897312
So I'll be lurking while finishing some soup-making then. I usually start a bit later but I can take the handoff when you need relief. If Q drops while you're on I'll help you with those too.
>>2897250, >>2896494 lb, >>2896980 lb
Is good, bakers. I slept right thru my alarm last "night" which is good news/bad news. It means I'm rested up to bake a long shift tonight if needed, but just blew all the progress I made switching my sleep schedge to days this week kek. Is okay. I tried both strategies and have determined it works better for me to stay up 36 hrs rather than enforce multiple days of insufficient sleep. I get waaaay too salty when tired.