>>2896954 (prev)
Baker sorry already in prev notables.
Yes! They accept the word of an anon insider. They're even calling them nytimes anon.
What if anonymous editorial in nytimes is a plant.
Some insider wrote it and is about to make mockingbird media look like clowns.
Yes, I wrote it and it was all bullshit. Just like the other stuff you get from your anonymous sources.
Wouldn't that be outstanding.
This one wins in my book. Kek.
Research psyop, psywar, mindwar and its relationship to truth. We are Q.
Q is an essential part of the war that keeps it from going hot.
Wars are won before a bullet is shot.
Truth stands on its own.
The choice is yours.
This is perfect just as it is.
[Slimy Weasel] vs ]Righteous Lion[
These people are stupid.
Enemy combatants don't get them either. They're fucked.